Around the world, there are countless stories of personal hardship and societal chaos. Each and every one of these stories is rippling through our families, communities, towns, and nations. Businesses are being slammed in all sorts of ways. From broken delivery chains to staff reductions and everything in between. For us, here at Surefire, we're struggling to deal with the coronavirus impact. We're working quickly to alter our usual client interactions and we're reevaluating our workflow strategies. All of this we can (and must) handle - day by day, week to week... What hurts most, is seeing the domino effect this pandemic is having. The rippling shit-storm that's hurting our clients, their customers, and our friends.
In 2019 we produced a set of social media assets for our good friends at Studio A and Live Softly. Directed by Tim Nicholls, these mini social media doco's told a great story of how the world can be a better place.

Studio A tackles the barriers that artists living with intellectual disabilities. Live Softly works with marginalised & disabled craftspeople in Nepal. Studio A and Live Softly collaborated on a wonderful range of felt toys, designed by the artists in Australia and made by the craftspeople in Nepal.

Today we heard the sad news that the felt workshops in Nepal are closing due to coronavirus shutdowns, denying those in need, a chance to work, and in-turn the supply chains have been broken, denying Studio A and Live Softly a chance to support the artists and release these beautiful worthwhile objects. These are the small ripples of change that are spreading out day-by-day, affecting us all.

Let's flatten the curve. Stay at home. Wash your hands.